like the title says. although i know that it might not be so pleasant there but hey thats life.
went to pick up my niece(Tze) today then met up with ET @ pavilion. well waited for ET about an hour or so? lol. but it was nice talking to my niece after i dunno how long we havent seen each other.. haha.
ey granite ass sry we left cause we went mall hiking lol. however after sending tze home me and ET went pavi again.
so today was:
eh niece i will come kacau u one ar @ Italiannies together with sean lol.
neways HAPPY TRAINING =) will miss u =D
haha.. apa la ni!
okay, next stop italiannies! :D
tze, sorry i had calculus in the middle of the afternoon.. it annoys me every monday, wednesday, friday! :(